Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Last Agility Trials of the Year ...

We are all done trialing for the the year!! What a great year 2009 has been, lots of new dogs and handlers debuted, and we have some new dogs and handlers waiting in the wings for 2010!! Thanks for everyone's support over the year, we have a great group!!

November Calgary Agility

Jolayne and Tag had some awesome runs! What a great team they are becoming, Tag earned his way into Masters SNooker with his 3rd Advanced Snooker Q on a difficult course!

Kim ran Maggie and Bosley
Maggie had some great moments out there! She hurt her self on Saturday so was pulled, and after an adjustment from the Chiro, she was back to her self, running for 2 more runs on Sunday.

Bosley had a great weekend, we Qd in both Starters Jumpers (now moves to Advanced), he also Q in Starters Gamblers, and Starters Snooker (now moves to Advanced) and earned his Starters Title! Way to go!

Sarah ran Kaleb and Gyp
Kaleb ran well considering he spent the week hunting. In Kaleb style he made Sarah work for every run, and brought home 5 Qs, 2 Masters Jumpers, 1 Masters Gamble, 2 Masters Standards

Gyp had a great time! She brought home 5 Qs too. 2 Masters Jumpers, 1 Masters Standard, 1 Masters Gamble and 1 Masters Snooker
- - - - - - - -
October Training Troop

Jan, Dave and BB and Pearl had a good weekend!
BB Had a nice Steeplechase run, but ended up getting pulled for the rest of trial as she was not feeling like her usual spunky self.
Pearl had a super fast runs and Dave handled her really well, she had some nice placements, and came home with a Steeplechase and Standard Q

Amanda ran Wicca and Boone
Wicca ran great and only had a couple bars all weekend. She also earned her EXG Bronze for her 10th Masters Gamble! She also had the FASTEST time in Steeplechase!!

Boone earned his ADVANCED Games Dog Title with a Q in Snooker! He also got his first Steeplechase Q! He had some wondferul runs!

Lynne and Lucy had some wonderful runs in Masters, and Lucy's A-Frame has really improved, they are a great team!

Sarah ran Gyp and Kaleb
Gyp earned her EXG Bronze for her 10th Masters Gamble, also earning her her VBA Award. As well she also earned a Jumpers Q and 3 Masters Standard Qs.

Kaleb had a great weekend and kept his energy up until the end. He brought home 2 Qs in Masters Standard and a Q in Jumpers and Snooker.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Calgary Agility One Day Trial

Calgary Agility Hosted an One Day Agility Trial on Sunday.

a couple newbies and the old stand-bys attended.

Cindy and Su'nar ran in 2 Starters classes. They had a GREAT opening gamble and got both mini-gambles, they were so close to the closing gamble but Sunar went too far! It was a great run! Su'nar was wild on her jumpers course, and they had a blast!

Jenilee and Neena also ran in 2 Starters classes. Neena ran great, got both her mini gambles, finished the end gamble and that is their first Q!!!!!! Congrats! Neena has a some great moments in her jumpers course, and Jenilee was really happy with her progress!

Dave and Jan ran Pearl and BB, got her Masters Standard Q as well as her Masters Jumpers Q. And she was raring to go all day.

Pearl was a little tentative in her first indoor trial of the year, but pulled through to the end!

Amanda ran Wicca and Boone, Boone was a superstar as usual, and made his Masters Gamblers debut with a Q!!! He had a great Standard run ... even with Amanda not walking it first! He also Qd in Advanced Jumpers and now moves to Masters!

Wicca ran great too. She Q'd effortlessly in Masters Gamblers, it was her 10th Masters Gamblers 1st and Q for her ExBrGambler title! She a nice Standard run for a Q and a really nice Masters Jumpers run, with just one bar!! Amanda was also happy with how she handled the challenge course.

Jolayne and Tag, got their first Q in Masters Standard and placed 1st! They debuted in Masters Gamblers in style and got the Q and a 1st Place! Jo was pretty proud of how she handled the challenge course, and had one bar in her Jumpers round.

Sarah ran Gyp and the K-man, Gyp ran great, she 1st and Qd in Masters Gamblers. She also ran a nice Standard run and 1st and Q'd. She was only 1 of 3 dogs to Q in the Challenge course. Her jumpers run was the fastest of the day, but she had a bar.

K-man ran really well and Q'd in Masters Gamblers and Masters Standard.

Congrats everyone!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Flashing Canines Agility Weekend

What a great weekend at the Flashing Canines Agility Trial, our group brought home over 40 Qs!

There were lots of debuts by our students! Most of them ran in 3 or 4 runs over the weekend.
Betty and Darryl placed in all of their classes, and to top it of Betty brought home 2 Q's, one in Starters Snooker and Starters Jumpers!

Roxy and Judy ran in 3 classes, and Roxy had just 5 faults in her standard and Jumpers rounds.

Sniper and Debbie placed 1st in Starters Gamblers, 3rd in Starters Snooker.

Neena and Jenilee placed 2nd in Gamblers and 2nd in Starters Snooker

Bosley and Kim brought home 2 - 1st and Qs in Starters Standard, a 1st and Q in Starters Snooker

Lucy and Heather placed 2nd in Starters Gamblers and 3rd in Starters Snooker

Jovi and Marsha placed 1st and Q in Starters Gamblers and placed 3rd in Starters Snooker

The rest of the gang did great too!!

Lucy and Lynne placed 1st and Qd in Steeplechase, and had some other nice runs throughout the weekend with some nice placements.

Stoker and Debbie 1st and Qd in Steeplechase, 2 - 1sts and Qs In Advanced Gamblers, 1st and Q in Advanced Snooker, Q in Masters Snooker, 1st and Q in Advanced Jumpers. Stoker also got his Advanced Games Dog Title!! Way to go!

Jazmin and Judy came up for the day Qd in 3 of 3 runs! She Qd in Masters Standard, Q Masters Jumpers, Q Advanced Snooker. Way to go!

Dave and Jan's Pearl and BB did great too.
BB 2nd and Q in Masters Standard, and only one of 3 dogs to Q in the Challenge class!
Pearl 1st and Q in Masters Standard, Q in Masters Snooker, Q in Masters Jumpers, Q in Steeplechase. She also racked up some new titles! EX Bronze Jumpers (10 Jumpers Qs), EX Bronze Standard (10 Standard Qs), and her Masters Snooker Dog of Canada Title! WOW!! Congrats!

Tag and Jolayne brought home a 1st and Q in Advanced Gamblers and some other great top 3 placements in his classes too.

Maggie and Kim ran in 6 runs. Maggie placed 1st and Qd in BOTH Advanced Snookers, a 2nd an Q in Advanced Standard, and a 2nd and Q in Advanced Gamblers.

Amanda's gang also did great.
Boone brought home a 1st and Q in Advanced Standard, 1st and Q in BOTH Advanced Gamblers and now moves to Masters! Placed 1st and Q in Advanced Snooker too.
Wicca brought home a Masters Gamblers Q and Qd with the FASTEST time in Steeplechase of all the dogs!

Andrea did great with her guys too.
Charm Qd in Starters Jumpers and Starters Gamblers!
Andre got his end Gamble but ran out of time! He also made some great progress in his other runs over the weekend too!

Kelsee and Toni earned an Advanced Standard Q and an Advanced Jumpers Q!

Sarah and her dogs had a great weekend too.
Jane was entered in 2 classes, and placed first and Qd in both Masters Gamblers and Masters Jumpers. Jane retired from agility competition this weekend, and it was a great way to end it, thanks everyone for making her retirement so special.
Gyp placed 1st and Qd in both Masters Gamblers, 1st and Q in Masters Snooker and 1st and Qd with the FASTEST time in Masters Jumpers.
Kaleb Qd in 5 of his 7 runs. He Qd in Masters Standard, Masters Snooker, Masters Jumpers, Masters Gamblers and Steeplechase.

Way to go everyone, congratulations to all!! I hope all of the info is correct!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Agility News and lots of Qs!!

We headed to Kimberley B.C. for their Annual Trial. It is always a great one!

Our group had some great runs, and brought home a lot of Q's in the process.

Let's start with Cindy and Sunar, who made their Debut!!
Sunar ran in 4 classes. She Q'd in Snooker and only had 5 faults in her Jumpers round. She had LOTS of points in her Gamble too. They looked like pros out there! Congrats!

Amanda's gang rocked!
Boone came home with 6 Q's and 2 Titles!! He earned his (ADC) Agility Dog of Canada Title, as well as his Starters Games dog Title!

Wicca has gone MAD!! Masters Agility Dog of Canada, that is!! It was a GREAT run to earn that title on too! Wicca also brought home a Masters Snooker Q. Way to go!

Lynne and Lucy also went MAD this weekend!! WOW What an accomplishment! She also got a Q in Masters Snooker! Congrats!

Jolayne and Tag had some smokin' fast runs, he earned a Q in Advanced Gamblers with 98 points!

Sarah's gang ran great too!
Kaleb brought home 5 Qs, 3 Masters Standards, 1 Masters Snooker, and 1 Masters Gamblers.
Gyp ran in 4 events and earned 3 Q's: 2 Masters Standards and Masters Jumpers.

Dave and Jan's gang brought home some Qs too!!
Pearl Qd in Masters Standard, Masters Snooker, and Masters Jumpers! WOW!
BB Qd in Masters Snooker, Masters Standard and Masters Jumpers! Way to go!

We head to Medicine Hat this weekend and 4 more students are debuting!! We are so excited to see them run! It will be Go!Dog!Go!s biggest showing YET! We'll have results next Monday

Monday, September 7, 2009

CKC Agility Weekend

A few GDG people headed off to an Edmonton CKC trial for the long weekend and everyone has great news to report!


Julia's Weimeraner Mckeely earned her Excellent Standard title! It has been a long time coming, and we are all very proud of the great team they have become! She is one Jumpers Q away from her Excellent jumpers title aswell!

Kim had a phenomenal weekend with her berners-

Maggie earned an Intermediate Standard Q, AND an Excellent JWW Q! She had a good weekend, and only had a few pokey runs.

Bosley had a great weekend and finished his Intermediate title, and is now in Excellent everything in CKC! He had some really amazing runs, and everyone was very impressed with him.

I had a good weekend with Wicca- we finished her Novice Jumpers title, and now only need one Q for her Novice Standard title. It was a great weekend for her to be able to run simple courses and really open up. The extra 2 inches to her jump height did her in on every course except for two. But I was pleased with her anyway- no off courses, great contacts, weaves, and handling on my part- just one knocked bar!

There aren't many CKC trials around here, but it was worth the trip to Edmonton- a nice small trial, easy courses, and visiting with friends!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Agility Demo for the Humane Society

The Lethbridge Humane Society asked us to do an Agility demo after their Annual Dog Jog. It was a great day! We had some fun little courses, a Team relay, and a 24 weave pole challenge!

Here are some highlights:
Some of the spectators

Judy and Roxy during the introductions

Bosley on his favourite obstacle: The Teeter!

Julia and McKeely

The yellow Team discussing strategy :)

Wicca running the Team Relay

Jenilee, our MC for the day, demonstrated the upcoming Weave pole Challenge, but she popped the 6th pole, and didn't end up doing all 24 :)

Jolayne and Tag, showing how it is REALLY done

Sarah cheers Kaleb on

Debbie and Stoker

Jolene and Tate

Gyppie won the weave pole challenge, but it was anyone's game!

Kim made a WICKED weave video! Check it out!!!

What Go! Dog! Go! post would be complete without a photo of our Mascot, Aislyn!

Thanks to everyone who came out and helped make the demo a big success!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Agility Fun Day Photos


Tag and Jo

It was also Stryker's 10th Birthday Today! Happy Birthday dude!

Jovi A.K.A. Sassy Pants

see more here too:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Seminar News

We are proud to be presenting Terry Simons again, February 5 - 8th, 2010.

If you would like to register, email me (and I'll send you the forms), it will be open for registration Sept 1. (sarah.novak @

Since Go!Dog! Go! students have first priority, there are limited spots available, and they will be first come first serve. Please don't email before Sept 1. for a spot, as we aren't sure how many will be filled by our own group. We will update the number of spots available Sept 1.

Here is the Schedule:


AM - Younger dogs around 18 months just starting to sequence.

PM - Handling 270 FULL


Can you handle it

Can you handle it part 2


AM -Tight Lines FULL

PM - Continuation for the novice from last year FULL

if you would like to be on a waiting list please email us.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Nationals video montage!

Starring Tag, Wicca, Gyp and the K-man!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nationals Pics ...

Wicca 2nd Place, 6" Special, 475 points, class of 13 dogs
Wicca also earned her Steeplechase Title on Friday!!
2nd Place 6" Steeplechase Finals

Gyp 3rd Place, 16" Special, 535 points, class of 40 dogs
2nd Place 16" Steeplechase Finals

Kaleb 7th Place, 16" DD Vet, 534 points, class of 53 dogs

Tag ran great. Jo was amazing with her ring nerves, wow. For a team who ran their FIRST regionals, and then their first National, they were GREAT. They looked like pros out there, and they held there own among the other competitors. We are very proud of you BOTH!!!!!
The had WICKED Gamble opeings 50+ points, Jo was so proud of how he ran, the biggest class at the event. A shining moment for Tag and Jo was his Steeplechase, he had the 15th fastest time of 112 dogs!! He also got a Q!!

Congrats to everyone from Alberta on a great showing!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Here is a "just the basics" report of how we did.





Jo held her own in her division and had some amazing runs.

We are ALL very proud of ourselves, and our dogs. This has been an amazing weekend.

Jo, Aaron and I are all heading home today. I'll be updating my own blog tonite (late)


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday Update

We just got back from the worst banquet ever, and I am too tired, and cranky to blog about the results of the day.

Except. We all kicked ass (mostly) and all had a great day.

Tag had an awesome Gamble opening and racked up tons of points. He missed the end gamble by a tunnel. :o) His Standard was good- and there was some really great parts. He had a bar or two I think. His jumpers was a little wild. It again had some pretty moments, but mostly Jo wants to forget about it.

Kaleb did great. He ran clean in Jumpers and Standard, and had a great Gamble opening, but didn't get the end gamble. His Jumpers run was beautiful, and he never stepped one foot out of line.

Gyp had a great day too- her Gamble was breathtaking and she had no problem with the end gamble. Her Jumpers run was flawless. Her standard run was beautiful- except for the first two obstacles. She had a little melt down before she went in to the ring and Sarah had to work extra hard to keep Gyp from being nervous. Thankfully, Gyp recovered and the rest of the run was gorgeous.

Wicca had an awful start to her day. Apparently it is a tradition to have a FIVE POINT run at Nationals. She was completely wild, and did not listen to me. It was rough. She redeemed herself with the gamble, although still had weave issues. She got the gamble though, but had an average opening. Her standard run at the end of the day was awesome. We had two bars, although only got called for one. It was a great run though, and a great way to end the day.

The banquet was a bust. Seriously. :o) It sucked. But the company was good- our table was fun, and we mostly had a good time. :o)

Wish us luck tomorrow!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Tag and Jo had a great day today- it was a chance to work out some kinks, and get into the flow of it. Their first Steeplechase had lots of great moments- his contacts, his listening, and his weaves are rock solid. Jo had a moment and forgot where she was going. Which cost them 10 faults. The second run was awesome. He was perfect. Jo was perfect, it was a beautiful thing to watch. He had one bar, and placed 15th out of 112 dogs!!! Wowsers!

Sarah and Gyp also had a fantastic day. Gyp was on, and Sarah did a great job directing her around the course. Their first run of the day was perfect. She slipped twice around corners (out of the weaves, and a tunnel) but recovered and ran her little heart out. She placed 3rd in her class with a qualifying score.

The second run was even better, and Sarah really gave it- Gyps performance proved that running hard makes a big difference. She placed 2nd, and of course Qualified.

Wicca and I had lots of fun. It was nice to feel that connection, and I was confident in my handling abilities. The first steeplechase was brilliant. It was smokin' fast, and she kept all the bars up. We had a missed weave entry, which only costs time, and placed 1st, and Qualified (which could be her steeplechase title...) The second run was also very good- our lines were smooth and tight. I caused a knocked bar with a late front cross, and she knocked the second last bar. Even with the 10 faults we qualified, and placed 4 th in our class.

Tonite was the Nationals Opening Ceremonies. It was pretty nice, although really long. We did a cute little parade of provinces, and the Alberta crowd was as rowdy as ever. At the end of the ceremonies the steeplechase finalists were called out. Wicca placed 1ST!!!! And will get to run in the steeplechase finals on Sunday for cash money. Gyp also qualified for the finals, placing 2nd in a very competitive class. Sarah and I got cool green shirts to wear Sunday afternoon, and it adds some more excitement to an already exciting weekend.

This is our set up in the covered crating area. Looks all homie doesn't it... :o)

and this, is evidence of the anal-retentiveness of my friends. All our classes are highlighted, what rings we are in, what the marker dogs are- all are labeled on this handy dandy list. :o)

Today was a really long day, and we are all beat- tomorrow will be even longer, but as always we'll have a report of our day in the evening.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fun and Games in Ottawa ....

This photo is from yesterday on Parliament Hill. Besides getting caught in 2 flash floods, it was great! The dogs had a great time meeting and greeting people.

We stopped at a Cafe down at the Byward market and had lunch with the dogs.

Here is some random drunk lady that loved Kaleb ...

Today Jo and Amanda went for their Warm-up runs. Tomorrow we do more warm-up and Steeplechase ... stay tuned!

At lunch we went and had a picnic on Bate Island and took the dogs for a nice walk and swim on the Ottawa River. Pete and Aaron are fishing today so we took them lunch, and off they went ....
Here are some photos of the fun ....

squirrels ... squirrels ... squirrels ... squirrels ...
